Debut of new video series “You Should Grow This.”

Debut of new video series “You Should Grow This.”

I’ve seen lots of videos where people are showing their favorites growing strong in perfect conditions. This series is completely different, it’s highlighting plants growing in my lousy garden! Or growing in places they shouldn’t. When these plants flourish, you know they are winners.

The seeds of these two bean varieties from Kitchen Garden Seeds were literally thrown onto the ground. One right behind a bed of garlic and the other after the garlic was harvested. They both produced more beans than my family could eat.

2 thoughts on “Debut of new video series “You Should Grow This.””

  • Doug, you spoke recently about German white garlic and planting it. and a white plastic protecting covering the bulbs .I have been given 2 bulbs, they are beautiful! Please speak tomorrow on PTL re this garlic . Thank you, Mary Ann (New 82 year old gardener) PS Whats with the Moon?

    • Hi Mary Ann,

      Do you know where the garlic is from? It’s best to use something local as opposed to something shipped to the grocery store. The new moon happens Friday and that’s when people who plant by the moon, plant their root crops. Separate the bulb into cloves and plant them three inches deep and six apart in good soil. Add a nice layer of straw and you’re ready to go. Hope that helps.

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